xamxam99: so it begins...
roddan1: yeep soon:)
Håkon Berg: Uhh i cant wait
Lauritzen94: Hello fellow gamers
Shikyo: hey
roddan1: Hello everybody!
Lauritzen94: Hello!
roddan1: Everything alright Lauritzen94?
Lauritzen94: Yes indeed you?
roddan1: Nice, ia'm perfect thx
Lauritzen94: Just read the review of the witcher, looks like theres something to be exited about
roddan1: ooh yee thats for sure:)
roddan1: Its exciting what we gonna be demonstrated
Håkon Berg: hope its not another unfinished game...
roddan1: Lets hope for the best
Lauritzen94: Yes lets hope so, that would be weird though, you´d think they learned their lesson
roddan1: Witch division is it who developt this game?
roddan1: Is it the same as Unity?
Lauritzen94: Not sure actually, as I remember different devs worked on unity
roddan1: oki i was unsure to
xamxam99: cross fingers and prepare your anus. The hype train has landed.
Håkon Berg: OMG!
roddan1: Hey Dori and your follow compadre :)
Lauritzen94: Dori and Magnus the A team has landed
Indiankobran: Hello
Lauritzen94: Hey there Bats!
Indiankobran: Oh, its working now!
Indiankobran: Hi everyone!
xamxam99: It's stopped for me ;-(
Silvan: lol
roddan1: Hi Indiankobran!
Ballcrusher123: Hello :) You've seen the witcher review yet?
Lasse Brøndal: Hey :D
Lauritzen94: Hey
Lauritzen94: Yes I have read it
Indiankobran: Hi Lasse! Good to see you!
Ballcrusher123: Are you going to buy it?:)
Lauritzen94: Seems like its gonna be cool
Lauritzen94: Yes, I got my pre order ready
xamxam99: I'd strongly advise you not to preorder it, though.
Ballcrusher123: Definetly, but i wasnt a big fan of DA:I so im worried im not going to like it
Indiankobran: I probably won't buy it right away but mabye later if it looks really cool.
xamxam99: If Ubisoft makes the money from preorders alone, there's no reason for them to make a stable game. that's why they make preorder bonuses
AlexanderWG: I'm so excited I can't even contain myself
roddan1: Sounds like a baby in background wanna play console:)
scamplord: 55 minutes!?!?
Indiankobran: But you guys have seen the trailer already right Magnus?
Magnus Groth-Andersen: No comment :)
xamxam99: I believe the skype fellar already watched gameplay.
Indiankobran: Haha, figured so.
Lasse Brøndal: Good to see you too!
fyrepony: stream is lagging a lot
Lauritzen94: It wasnt Assassins creed I mentioned
Ballcrusher123: Is it a gameplay trailer or cinematic?
Magnus Groth-Andersen: Try refreshing or another browser
xamxam99: We don't know ;-)
Ballcrusher123: Im guessing its not magnus who is writing form Magnus Groth Andersen?:)
Ballcrusher123: ok
xamxam99: I hope we get a bit of gameplay to hype folks up. CGI can only hint so much.
Indiankobran: No, it looks like its Dori who's managing the chat.
Magnus Groth-Andersen: Heh sry, its me, dòri
MonsterGames063: Yeah CGI would suck
Ballcrusher123: No worries at all :)
Ballcrusher123: Ye it should be gameplay!
MonsterGames063: But at this time i think we will get a CGI reveal trailer and then gameplay at E3
Mameluck: Of course they always should be gameplay but quite often theyre just cgi D:
Ballcrusher123: What decides my chatcolour?
xamxam99: Probably. They could show a gameplay teaser, similarly to what they did with Black Flag
Ballcrusher123: We cant really use a cinematic trailer for anything
AlexanderWG: I love how they just bring in this random guy from the streets and ask him "hey what do you think" lmao
Lauritzen94: Im pretty sure he won some competition, or something
Magnus Groth-Andersen: He did ;)
Indiankobran: I don't know if he's a random guy. He's the one who has won the master assassin title.
fyrepony: test
fyrepony: finally working chat
fyrepony: :P
maaagy: They will sure as hell reveal some gameplay
Indiankobran: Yeah, the chat is not on top today.
sejefyr: Hey, yeah the chat is working now :)
maaagy: I mean: Ubisoft never revealed a new title with a livestream ever
fyrepony: now to fix lag on stream XD
roddan1: Hi sejefyr
myllylyly: I get heavy lagging on stream
AlexanderWG: Same here, laggity lag lag
KayWin: me too
Indiankobran: Well you won't earn as many points if you just run around on the rooftops.
sejefyr: lag on both ps4 and com
Lauritzen94: Im using another browser, might do the trick
xamxam99: lag everywhere
Indiankobran: What is your favorite AC game Magnus and Dori?
Magnus Groth-Andersen: Damn, I'll text our tech guy.. Otherwise we have the youtube mirror
fyrepony: :)
xamxam99: At least we have a fyre poney (Y)
AlexanderWG: So this is my first time here but I'm hearing a HEAVY swedish accent on these guys
Ballcrusher123: danish
Lauritzen94: Im pretty sure thats dansih
AlexanderWG: Danish, really? huh
Lauritzen94: danish
Indiankobran: They are all danish actually.
Magnus Groth-Andersen: Hey!
Indiankobran: And one icelandic guy.
Ballcrusher123: Dori's from Iceland
Indiankobran: Sorry Dori.
AlexanderWG: Ah, well I at least got the Scandinavian part right
Magnus Groth-Andersen: There we go :)
xamxam99: Nice, Magnus!
Lauritzen94: Or Dori
xamxam99: Here's an imaginary five dollar bill [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Ballcrusher123: dont throw your money away
Ballcrusher123: thats stupid
xamxam99: [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Ballcrusher123: SHIIIIT!
Indiankobran: That is an imaginary five dollar bill.
xamxam99: Oh really?
Ballcrusher123: WHATTT??
Ballcrusher123: JEEEZ?
Ballcrusher123: DEAAAAD?
xamxam99: Ballcrusher right now: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
sejefyr: hope the next AC game is better than the last three
MonsterGames063: GOSH DANGIT
cjsky22: [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅][̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅][̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅][̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅][̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
AlexanderWG: I miss the hell out of Desmond - I know it's a very unpopular opinion but I feel Ubi has totally copped out with all the modern day story
MonsterGames063: Much spoiler such wow
Ballcrusher123: Nah, i knew
Ballcrusher123: :D
Indiankobran: How about some guy from the future use an animus to relive Desmond's memories?
KayWin: I miss Desmond too
Ballcrusher123: I like that IK
MonsterGames063: Desmond was my favorite part about AC3
Mameluck: The modern stuff knits the games nicely together, however I feel that they're not very well executed.
assassinsislife: i hope that AC victory have a better story than unity
xamxam99: Ubisoft be all like: ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 (ಥ﹏ಥ) <-- Desmond
KayWin: The modern stuff now is dull
sejefyr: please no parts with ship
williamcool: the name is not Victory
Ballcrusher123: Syndicate
cjsky22: Yeah Desmond was one of the best thing in ac3 :)
assassinsislife: sorry my english is not the best one
MonsterGames063: We don't really know the name yet it's all rumors
AlexanderWG: Ever since BF the modern day story has been garbage... And the total lack of modern day elements in Unity is like a crime! :(
Lauritzen94: Yeah agreed, the ships shouldnt be thier trademark
williamcool: No problem
Ballcrusher123: I hated the ships in black flag. I want to jump on roofs and stab people
Dóri Halldórsson: There
xamxam99: ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN ☜(˚▽˚)☞
AlexanderWG: Feudal Japan, it needs to happen
Indiankobran: There?
Ballcrusher123: Japan or Russia
Dóri Halldórsson: Correctly logged in
Ballcrusher123: or AC: 1984!
williamcool: Germany
AlexanderWG: Russia is in Chronicles tho
Ballcrusher123: He :)
Indiankobran: Ah yeah, I see.
roddan1: Japan
Lauritzen94: Do we know if its gonna be set in London?
AlexanderWG: Stockholm! :D
williamcool: World war 2
xamxam99: We don't know anything.
Mameluck: Early 20th century Russia would be interesting.
Ballcrusher123: We're pretty sure about it
cjsky22: The Wild West!
Lauritzen94: Alright cool
assassinsislife: that we know is it going to be in london
myllylyly: Dóri, there's still the same lag!
roddan1: Hong Kong would be cool
Ballcrusher123: We are not a 100 %, but pretty sure
Lauritzen94: I got no lag now though
Ballcrusher123: that it is in London
Indiankobran: How about Australia? I think that could be cool.
assassinsislife: no
Lauritzen94: Yeah agreed
muhanned3404: The guy in blue is doing the real talking
williamcool: @myllylyly check your connection or change webb browser
Ballcrusher123: What about Assassin's fighting the totaliary regime in Oceania
sejefyr: Egypt?
Ballcrusher123: ?
Mameluck: Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.
muhanned3404: Iraq? Revolution against onto an empire
Lauritzen94: Egypt might be cool yeah
fyrepony: next in asasssin's creed= guns
MonsterGames063: What about the future! xD
Ballcrusher123: Hehe Exactly you know what im talking about :D
sejefyr: future will be watch dogs
myllylyly: @williamcool already tried and i have really good connection
MonsterGames063: Ha ha yeah
AlexanderWG: Connor was extremely flat
AlexanderWG: as a character
muhanned3404: Revolution against Ottoman Empire in middle east
KayWin: Connor was whiny
Indiankobran: I quite liked Connor.
sejefyr: there are heavy lag again
muhanned3404: Yup
williamcool: Okey but yeah its a not god quality...
williamcool: good*
Lauritzen94: Yup lag is back
AlexanderWG: muhammed, i think it would be to close to jerusalem in ac1
Dóri Halldórsson: If you are having lag plz try our youtube mirror :/
cjsky22: But Ac4 had the best setting in my opinion
fyrepony: we should be able to kill muhamed
Mameluck: I want Assassin's Creed and Monkey Island crossover.
KayWin: ac4 was fun on many levels
MonsterGames063: I liked Black Flag because you could play the game without just playing the main story and stil have fun
Ballcrusher123: Assassin's Creed: Second World War?
williamcool: yeah ww2
MonsterGames063: still*
Indiankobran: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAUWiXFx8ss
Indiankobran: Youtube stream.
muhanned3404: Fyrepony lets have some respect for other religions
assassinsislife: connor was good but had like a stone face
KayWin: thanks
xamxam99: Why do people always get excited about ww2? The setting is done too much, firearms would dictate combat and the architecture is not exciting or historic enough.
williamcool: imagine jumping from a roof and stab nazis
muhanned3404: EXACTLY
Ballcrusher123: Im not excited about it, im brainstorming
Mameluck: Assassin's Creed WW2 = The Saboteur
Lauritzen94: Its not live on youtube
Ballcrusher123: I'd be excited about Egypt, Japan or Russia
AlexanderWG: WW2 would be awful, the ww2 part in unity was really enough
myllylyly: It's not on youtube!
cjsky22: The WIld West..just saying..
williamcool: It would be more stealth.
muhanned3404: I want assassins creed to be old , not new or ww2
KayWin: They shouldn't go more modern with Ac
MonsterGames063: Well The Wild West would be like Red Dead Redemption with parkour
xamxam99: I think Ubisofts rule of thumb should be pre 1830 from now on.
sejefyr: its been a while since the chat was so active
muhanned3404: parkour in deserts, really
Lauritzen94: Yes, true that
Ballcrusher123: Wild West might be too open? Like wide open praries
wMikkel: From where do I use the youtube version for this stream? It keeps lagging :(
cjsky22: RED DEAD with Parkour! Day one buy!
roddan1: Nice
Lauritzen94: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAUWiXFx8ss
williamcool: maybe a big city then some dessert and the classic desert city
Indiankobran: Thats not bad.
Lauritzen94: Its not live though
Ballcrusher123: But its all sand?
Theman007: Awesome
Indiankobran: Over? Where are you?
Lauritzen94: Or on your bike
sejefyr: need that shirt, missing that in my collection
Ballcrusher123: Shit=Swag
MonsterGames063: ERHMAGUD
kaboka: Oh cool :)
Xerxes2100: Nice:)
KayWin: nice hoodie
Ballcrusher123: Omg that hoodie!!! I love hoodies
MonsterGames063: Why shouldnt games be your thing?
Indiankobran: I love that watch!
AlexanderWG: i have that flag on my wall, it's actually really gorgeous
Theman007: Ahhh the pocker watch
KayWin: oooh, watch
MonsterGames063: Like its called "Gamereactor" for a reason
Theman007: pocket*
kaboka: Use it as an bandana :p
Xerxes2100: dat watch iz mine!
KayWin: dammit
fyrepony: im trowing my money at screen
Ballcrusher123: Im trying to catch them
cjsky22: [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅][̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Indiankobran: Not that many coins I hope.
MonsterGames063: "Shut up and take my money" [Insert Meme Here]
Ballcrusher123: *grabs*
xamxam99: THROW ALL THEM MONEYS ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
cjsky22: [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
norway124: Why are these idiots commenting on the reveal, that one hipster fuck has not even completed AC 4 get a real fan to comment on it
AlexanderWG: omg. way too much work lol
Ballcrusher123: Jeeez RAGE
MonsterGames063: Well he's mad
Lauritzen94: Dude you gotta chill
xamxam99: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
MonsterGames063: Calm down Norway
Ballcrusher123: Yea Denmark rules
norway124: I am calm haha
Tjalde: is it on ?
MonsterGames063: wait crap thats the country
Ballcrusher123: :D
Xerxes2100: No sweden rules:P
xamxam99: DANES RULE (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
Indiankobran: Wow, so much chat today!
AlexanderWG: Sweden, hell yeah
Ballcrusher123: No Sweden rules or No, Sweden rules :D xD
Indiankobran: Swedish people just breaks stuff all the time.
MonsterGames063: Well we just ignited the Scandinavian War
Ballcrusher123: TO WAR
MonsterGames063: Gosh dangit
Xerxes2100: Oh crap
Xerxes2100: Denmark will conquer us all again..
Tjalde: denmark calling in, is there any gamers on the line ?
MonsterGames063: Wait a sec i'm getting my axe
williamcool: Scandinavian war sounds fun
Ballcrusher123: Haha
Mameluck: Finland is eating glue at the corner, watching the Scandinavians fight each other.
AlexanderWG: guh finally
MonsterGames063: Ha
cjsky22: lol
AlexanderWG: LMAO
AlexanderWG: that finland comment
KayWin: where are we supposed to send the link?
Ballcrusher123: I'd like the Hoodie!
Mameluck: I'm expecting vague lines about vengeance
Tjalde: Is this a strip webcam ?
MonsterGames063: I'd like that everything
AlexanderWG: yes
vetle_wii-gutt: a better unity, same consept, better game. new place only
Tjalde: where is the ladies ?
xamxam99: ಥ_ಥ
williamcool: I would like to have no multiplayer
williamcool: just co op
Xerxes2100: its mine!
Indiankobran: So Magnus. Do you think we will see any new assassin weapons this time around?
Håkon Berg: yo
AlexanderWG: Better STORY. glitches are forgivable and patchable. Bad story isn't
Manken: mine keep lagging
MonsterGames063: I would like it to be more like COD said no one ever
KayWin: the lag right now is insane
roddan1: Wonder why Ubisoft is showing this before E3?
Fullt-Frisk95: Do you guys think there's too many AC games? should they've finished the story erlier?
Lauritzen94: The youtube channel is still offline Dori
Lucci1: yea they shoul've stoped awhile back
Xerxes2100: Do u think uni has learned from the glitches..?
Fullt-Frisk95: Same here, Manken
myllylyly: LAG LAG LAG LAGGG
roddan1: Hope for atleast 2min real gameplay
Xerxes2100: Do you think Ubisoft has learned from the glitches..?
AlexanderWG: how the hell can there be too many? if you don't want more of them just don't play them lmao
Ballcrusher123: Damn i need to go in 3 minutes. I'd like that Hoodie so muuuuch!
Lauritzen94: Yeah I actually do
roddan1: Maby/maby not
Ballcrusher123: Damn gotta go now. Cya and have a nice reveal :)
Fullt-Frisk95: The story can get extremy thin right?
roddan1: Lets se soon :)
sejefyr: Magnus are you ever gonna Platinum all AC games? :)
Xerxes2100: thx man:)
Lucci1: because i like them, but still they could end it awhile back
emilpetersenjam: I do hope for Monty Python cameos. A silly walk option would be great.
MonsterGames063: They shouldn't release a new AC game every year. They should take more time to polish their games like Unity was buggy as hell because they needed to put it out before the year ended
norway124: Scandinavia; Bergen, Norway in the 1600's
xamxam99: Second Punic war, guys. Ancient setting with awesome historical characters, a conflict as large as that of the world wars and lots of different locations.
lissner1234: I really want that watch!
Lucci1: same
Håkon Berg: EGYPT
helmer67: :D
Håkon Berg: plz
myllylyly: JAPAN!!
Lucci1: fedual japan
Benke: Actually the PC version of Rogue came out in March... so even less old ;)
Shikyo: gonna skip that competition then
sejefyr: Hey Tanja
AlexanderWG: A Japan setting is clearly superior to anything else ever
roddan1: Hong Kong with be a great place for AC in late 1800
Shikyo: hey jesper
kaboka: Denmark, norway, sweden, set in the viking age :)
Håkon Berg: yeah vikings
lissner1234: I think they stopped putting that much effort into the history of the game, and is really a shame... :-/
Fullt-Frisk95: I'd also love to see vikings
MonsterGames063: Modern day like 2016 or like maybe a bit into the future
AlexanderWG: viking age is too rape-y lol
helmer67: Vikings would be nice
MonsterGames063: Rape is good
Håkon Berg: lol but its a good idea
AlexanderWG: true
Dennis Suba: Sweden 1500
MonsterGames063: MORE DANISH STUFF!
KayWin: wtf?
Håkon Berg: vikings
Indiankobran: I want to see an Assassins Creed game in the Roman empire during the Spartacus slave war.
Mameluck: Viking age, altough interesting setting, wouldn't probably work in AC
myllylyly: Vikings shouldn't be assassins!
Fullt-Frisk95: Would be awesome to see the Swedes taking over Finland
Solfinn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YwZjArFJWY
Håkon Berg: lol
williamcool: vikings
AlexanderWG: Oh guy, how many of you are aware of Assassin's Creed: Rising Sun?
Solfinn: Youtube mirror that is working..
Håkon Berg: nope vikings in the north
emilpetersenjam: Bethlehem and Jerusalem as Jesus
Solfinn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YwZjArFJWY
vetle_wii-gutt: dream game: set in somewhere in Europe during WWII. where the templars are behind some of the historic stuff that happend. but not naziz ofc
AlexanderWG: what's the guy talkin's name?
cjsky22: The Wild West?
Håkon Berg: no
Håkon Berg: vikings
Lauritzen94: Okay cool Youtube working now!
Håkon Berg: lol
MonsterGames063: Medival Era like we saw in the start of Unity
xamxam99: Go for Kublai Khan. Marco Polo would be there (confirmed) assassin, other lore assassins, incredibly famous characters (altairs son), a period untouched by the video game industry. The setting is litterally the gap between altairs and ezios game.
Tjalde: I will like to see it under world war 1-2 where you are going to kill hitler, attempt in world war 1 fails, so you have to try agin in world war 2. where they are going to put some elements from splinter cell in the normaly assissin settings and getting from hitman, that you can put on uniform
xboxfan: I would like to see it in some kind of Medieval sitting. It was the time when the templars were in their prime. Being a knight taking down some kind of templar king. Much swordplay and bows.
Håkon Berg: yeah
MonsterGames063: Yeah what xboxfan said
lissner1234: you will lose the meeley combat, if you made it modern
Theman007: Another leak says that there will be two protagonists in victory, where you can play as both, switching between them as in GTA V
Lucci1: wolrd war would only be guns
Fullt-Frisk95: The Russian revoli
Dennis Suba: Sweden Stormaktstiden
williamcool: lissner1234 if you couldnt use fire arms
Fullt-Frisk95: russian revolution*
Manken: i agree with the feudal japan. during the shogunate time.
Anders Riecke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YwZjArFJWY
Thomas Gulbæk Jensen: World war 2 would be sweat
lokomobilo: Fin-Rus war would be cool too XD
Theman007: Another leak says that there will be two protagonists in victory, where you can play as both, switching between them as in GTA V
Basse1985: I'll like to see the 30 year war where Denmark is all over the place.
Lucci1: is it even called victory naymore? i heard they changed it to syndicte
KayWin: syndicate
Mameluck: I'm still going to say the early 1900s Russia, around the time of those revolutions. The architecture would be interesting and northern environment would be refreshing. However probably not so soon after Unity because we already had a game about a revolution.
williamcool: just a simple gun and then swords, knife and stuff
Lucci1: yes i know that was a typo
AlexanderWG: the guy who's talking, what's his name? Someone needs to get him to look into Assassin's Creed: Rising Sun. There are some AMAZING concept artwork of an AC game set in feudal Japan
muhanned3404: Ottoman Empire revolution
Indiankobran: I also think it could be cool to see an Assassins Creed game in Australia in the time where it was just breaking out of the Brittish empire and became its own country.
Nossensu: in stockholm 1389-1521 in vasa time
lissner1234: i like the new multiplayer in unity
Theman007: Another leak says that there will be two protagonists in victory, where you can play as both, switching between them as in GTA V
xboxfan: I would like to see it in some kind of Medieval sitting. It was the time when the templars were in their prime. Being a knight taking down some kind of templar king. Much swordplay and shooting with bows from horseback.
Theman007: Ops
Xerxes2100: Or in India with the same situation Indiankobran;)
Fullt-Frisk95: It's working fine for me now. :)
wMikkel: An Assassins Creed game in Japan, in 1870's. That would be awesome. With Samurais and so on ;)
MatAgger: A game in Spain during the crusades there would be lovely. Sneaking into the Alhambra would be awesome!
Dennis Suba: Sweden 1500
Indiankobran: Yeah that would also be cool.
Nossensu: in stockholm 1389-1521 in vasa time
Håkon Berg: maybe in norway when the one viking king tryed to make norway christain they culd be the templars? MB
muhanned3404: Ottoman empire
Weirdo393: we need an Assassin's Creed: WWII
Nossensu: in sweden
YouKon95: I would like to see a AC game only in modern times, just to see how they are holding up
Nossensu: in sweden 1500
MonsterGames063: Medival times with claymores and catapults. that would be crazy. You would need to capture castles to synchronize.
Sixtysicks: Go for Alexander the Great
MonsterGames063: and stuff like that
Weirdo393: Hitler could've been a templar.... Nazi templars... omg!! it's amazing!
xamxam99: thanks fellars (Y)! I'll keep it for myself xD
muhanned3404: Arendelle and frozen+ ac
wMikkel: An Assassins Creed game in Japan, in 1870's. That would be awesome. With Samurais and so on ;)
Dennis Suba: SWEden 1500!!!
Indiankobran: Congratulations buddy!
Lucci1: Hitles was a templar in the ac universe
lokomobilo: gongrats xamxam99
HundredthCloth4: Sweden aw ye
Lucci1: hitler
Nossensu: in sweden 1500 vasa time
Nossensu: in Sweden 1500!!
muhanned3404: Arendelle and frozen, come on just think about it
Sixtysicks: !! The Age of Alexander the Great !!.
Ricardo C. Esteves: Ricardo here: Egypt or Feudal Japan - go! But seriously, every AC moved foward. Do you think it could move "backwards" in the next games?
HundredthCloth4: Oh, the spanish revolution! With the Italian facists as templars. With an Spanish-Italian assasin!
Nickdkk: I would like to see AC in some sort of World War 2 setting, because of the story and it would be pretty epic to see an assassin to kill Hitler
vetle_wii-gutt: Back to the WWII setting, a stealth groupe for the alliance, assassin troops? eh? eh? in the middle of the night, sabotor leaders and templars
Håkon Berg: uhh
Mameluck: Thirty Years' War. Of course we'd be on the glorious northen empire side.
Lauritzen94: Damn I dont remember there being this many people in the chat ever
Weirdo393: mexico 1500
emilpetersenjam: Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition.
Daniel Vånsjö: Samuraj assassin in Japan
assassinsislife: agreed
Manken: during the 100 year war. with like 2 brothers on each side. one a templar the other an assasin. jean d,arc could be an interesting charachter.
muhanned3404: Ottoman Empire, an Arab revolter, Templars working with them Ina conspiracy against the middle east
AlexanderWG: Guys check this out:
AlexanderWG: https://vinhillart.wordpress.com/gallery/assassins-creed-v-rising-sun/#content-wrapper
Fullt-Frisk95: Not every AC game has moved forward. Black Flag is before AC3.
Håkon Berg: during the cold war?
Nossensu: sweden 1500
Tonatiuh: It should be set during the Aztechian empire, fightning off the Spanish invasion!
HundredthCloth4: Spanish-italians facist templars aw ye
Ricardo C. Esteves: I will just ask what everyone is thinking. When will we get to play a full AC in Lisbon?
Tonatiuh: Or was that the Inkas? nevermind, that setting at least!
sejefyr: Go back in time again, the old AC games is the best, and the sorroundrings is way better to be an assassin. Egypt will be perfect to go around, jumping from roof to roof, look at the hidden treasures in pryamides. There should something in the history from Egypt the can use
assassinsislife: it is because they were not finished with the black flag while AC 3 was finished
norway124: Black flag is before AC3 -_-
Benke: ACIV is prior to ACIII ;)
Weirdo393: Assassin's Creed: Galaxy! Year 5000 - turns out templars are aliens and the Piece of Eden is an alien artifact. also the Illuminati are aliens!
myllylyly: North Korea? anyone?
lissner1234: i like a game doing the british empire in the 1920's where you could sail out and explore the world. You would have the sea combat. You would have primitive civilisations but still have very "modern" city as London with tall buildings. Your enemies would be the native people, other countries who want to get gold etc. and it would be so easy to give Abstergo a great part of the game. I like more than one setting :-)
Håkon Berg: Maybe with the mayan empire, it whould be cool with some hunting in the jungle, and a change in character.
Adrian Tollefsen Nilsen: Industrial Revolution: A grandmaster, or someone helping the grandmaster, adapt the order to the new Industrial world
maaagy: Dream scenario would be viking. You play as a norden protoganist trying to reveal some glimpses he had of the first civilization. On your journey you will be battling with the wild, the cold and the templars ( of course). While hunting down these clues from the first civilization you discover templars trying to reach the same goal as you, which triggers a war. Our protaganist realises he needs more training and power, so he seek out some kind of brotherhood to help him complete his wishes. This is where he finds the brotherhood, and the battle for the understanding of the first civilization begins.
MonsterGames063: Medival times with swords, bows and catapults. You would be a soldier in a war that gets caught in the war between the assassins and the templars. You would need to capture castles to synchronize and smith your own weapons. You go from a small farmer to a genral.
maaagy: Dream scenario would be viking. You play as a norden protoganist trying to reveal some glimpses he had of the first civilization. On your journey you will be battling with the wild, the cold and the templars ( of course). While hunting down these clues from the first civilization you discover templars trying to reach the same goal as you, which triggers a war. Our protaganist realises he needs more training and power, so he seek out some kind of brotherhood to help him complete his wishes. This is where he finds the brotherhood, and the battle for the understanding of the first civilization begins.
Håkon Berg: k
Nossensu: Kristian II in sweden 1500
nico1021: hi guys
roddan1: hi
Sixtysicks: Alexander the Great had a very close friend of which he grew up with, imagine if this friend would become an Assassin and Alexander would become a templar when he became king after his "wink" "wink" templar father became king. And an apple of Eden would be ideal in this story.
Fullt-Frisk95: Told you so ;P
norway124: lol
xboxfan: Some of the earliest examples of human kind have been discovered in Africa, and with the involvement of the ‘First Civilization’ within the franchise, this could be an important setting. With a variety of eras available to explore, along with many locations, Ubisoft could take advantage of this and even throw the player into the middle of the European Colonization. With further historical elements and unique developments and environments, including thick jungles and open deserts, this can challenge players and assassins in a whole new way.
vetle_wii-gutt: youtube is live
MonsterGames063: Medival times with swords, bows and catapults. You would be a soldier in a war that gets caught in the war between the assassins and the templars. You would need to capture castles to synchronize and smith your own weapons. You go from a small farmer to a genral.
lokomobilo: Somethigns happening
KayWin: congrats!
Ricardo C. Esteves: Yeah Norway124, you are right, Black Flag is before III, but since it is basicly the same time period, it dosen't really count (for me at least) ;)
Lauritzen94: Gratz that was spot on
Fullt-Frisk95: That would be awesome.
HundredthCloth4: I would also love to see the Swedish-Danish conflicts. When we were at war with the Danes. And the main character is a Swedish assassin who got his fan
fyrepony: id enjoy another medieval setting on game
lokomobilo: it started to rain in my browser
maaagy: YEAH
maaagy: Thanks so much
Håkon Berg: ok
vetle_wii-gutt: gz
maaagy: You're pronouncing it right
Håkon Berg: thats good
Xerxes2100: NIce:o
nico1021: it will be coll if they make that azio had a son
xnorwaydudenx: I want something like Black Flag but only better as parkor and equipment and much more .. I lost experience more of pirate life with Ezio's costume .. I will have better graphics and more activity in the new game.
MatAgger: Ancient Greece could also be a fine idea. Having Archimedes as the personal inventor,
MonsterGames063: Medival times with swords, bows and catapults. You would be a soldier in a war that gets caught in the war between the assassins and the templars. You would need to capture castles to synchronize and smith your own weapons. You go from a small farmer to a genral.
danielh83: why donte go back to the time of jesus!
Nossensu: i want the new ac be in sweden 1500 and the kristian the II is the tempelar
Weirdo393: i mean come on! AC: Galaxy plz!! like Super Mario but awesome
Ricardo C. Esteves: By the way, am I the only one that prefered the prologue setting and character over Arno and Paris?
Lauritzen94: Rain = London
MonsterGames063: Congrats Maggy
cjsky22: who won the other game?
kodd1988: why dont go back and tell the origin story how the order start!
maaagy: Thanks <3
vetle_wii-gutt: Rain = Bergen, aswell
xnorwaydudenx: Congrats Maggy!
KayWin: i hope there's a sword in the cain
lokomobilo: i hope the new assassin is hot <3
Håkon Berg: Jack the ripper
Manken: that crane is really fancy.
sejefyr: look at the eagle, he will be in the high end of the system.
Mameluck: How about a game taking place in the First Civilization. It would be interesting to experience the world like we've never seen it before. There certainly would be conflict between The Precursors and Humans.
MonsterGames063: Medival times with swords, bows and catapults. You would be a soldier in a war that gets caught in the war between the assassins and the templars. You would need to capture castles to synchronize and smith your own weapons. You go from a small farmer to a genral.
Lauritzen94: Yeah good point Lauritzen!
Nossensu: i want the new AC be in sweden 1500 and the kristian the II is the tempelar
AlexanderWG: What do you think about the "hookshot" weapon we saw in the leaks?
Ricardo C. Esteves: Haha, "it's a trap" guys ;). Good show, keep it up!
nico1021: the thing i liked with assasin creed 3 is you tryet to be a kid
xamxam99: ehh guys... I'm new to livestream prices and such. How do I get my won Rogue PC copy? O_o
sejefyr: does the stick have a secret weapon in it?
Adrian Tollefsen Nilsen: Industrial Revolution: You are a inventor, or a businessman, who are a grandmaster, or someone close to the grandmaster, you have to adapt the order to the new Industrial world, that have challenge of the world surpass the orders technology and techniques
williamcool: I would like to see a AC in afric
zonetrooper90: I would love to see a post-apocalyptic setting with the templars trying to keep humanity down, while the assassins try to rebuild society
lokomobilo: the stick is really a sword, gentlemans style
fyrepony: @xamxam99 check emails after stream
xamxam99: Cool. Thanks, man.
nico1021: oh damm if assasin creed in new york
Nossensu: what if the canon can shoot poisen darts it would be awesome
Tonatiuh: Could also seem like some kind of steam-punk ish version of london
CardWithaK: Cane sword?
AlexanderWG: we've been to NY -.-'
LouisLotus: i would love to see ac set in china. around the time where the mongolians attacked the great wall of china and so on
MonsterGames063: Medival times with swords, bows and catapults. You would be a soldier in a war that gets caught in the war between the assassins and the templars. You would need to capture castles to synchronize and smith your own weapons. You go from a small farmer to a genral.
KayWin: cane sword would be awesome
LouisLotus: i would love to see ac set in china. around the time where the mongolians attacked the great wall of china and so on
ivan64: hi
AlexanderWG: AC Chronicles ARE set in china lol
cjsky22: who won the other game?
ahlmdaniel: Assassins Creed during the time where the first civilization was wiped out
Weirdo393: Assassin's Creed: Dinosaur
xnorwaydudenx: I want something like Black Flag but only better as parkor and equipment and much more .. I lost experience more of pirate life with Ezio's costume .. I will have better graphics and more activity in the new game.
williamcool: I was about to say that Weirdo393
xboxfan: Personally, I think a AC game set in Ancient Greece would be amazing. The Assassin Headquarters of Greece could be in Athens, the home of open mindedness and that kinda stuff that seems like it would fit assassins. Sparta could be where the Templar HQ in Greece could be, because Sparta is a very rigorous, strict, militaristic society. Any way you could live there doing what ever ubi decides to have us do for the first part of the game, then Greece is threatened by the Persians led by King Darius in the Persian War. I guess could maybe be a Sage? Have a piece of Eden? Idk about that part really. Anyway, the Assassins and Templars have to unite to defend their home from the Persians which i think would be really cool to see. Greece is a perfect setting I think because there's plenty of land and diverse area to explore, but there is also plenty of sea for sailing and naval battles. You could not only stay on mainland Greece, but go to any of the surrounding islands, possibly even Rome or Egypt. The possibilities are honestly pretty endless. Also the First Civ people played a huge role in ancient Greece, as that is what the Greek Gods were. I think this could really help for an interesting modern day story line where you as an assassin have to locate a piece of Eden that is in Greece.
williamcool: lol
MonsterGames063: Holy crap that comment
roddan1: Agree with you LouisLotus. The wall of Chine, and Shanghai 1800 century
MonsterGames063: Medival times with swords, bows and catapults. You would be a soldier in a war that gets caught in the war between the assassins and the templars. You would need to capture castles to synchronize and smith your own weapons. You go from a small farmer to a general.
lokomobilo: hahah yeah assasins creed: jurassic park
Nossensu: can the canon shoot poisen darts
Nossensu: ??
Weirdo393: no
Nossensu: i want the new ac be in sweden 1500 and the kristian the II is the tempelar
ivan64: next AC game in Germany ...
xamxam99: I actually have an article about the kublai khan idea, for anyone interested, before the countdown is over: http://imgur.com/a/LgIvt
xnorwaydudenx: I want something like Black Flag but only better as parkor and equipment and much more .. I want more experience and more of pirate life with Ezio's costume .. I will have better graphics and more activity in the new game.
AlexanderWG: Assassin's Creed: Westeros
williamcool: Dinosaur would be soo originally
LouisLotus: i would love to see ac set in china. around the time where the mongolians attacked the great wall of china and so on.
lissner1234: Ideal for me would be the british empire in the 1920's where you can explore the would. You would have both the primitive and civilized cities. I would like more than one setting. It will also be a way to get the sea combat back into the game. There is many ways to get enemies. Maybe some deplomative. If i'm lucky, that is what we are going to see in 7min :-D
MonsterGames063: Medival times with swords, bows and catapults. You would be a soldier in a war that gets caught in the war between the assassins and the templars. You would need to capture castles to synchronize and smith your own weapons. You go from a small farmer to a general.
Manken: you could have a game like black flag but around colonial india
williamcool: An AC in india when was a kolony
AlexanderWG: Louislotus, you got that already
Nossensu: i want the new ac be in sweden 1500 and the kristian the II is the tempelar
lokomobilo: yeah ancient greek! with the god stuff and all XD
sejefyr: the weapons actually look like something from the order 1886
Mameluck: Assassin's Creed: Monkey Island. Connor crashes his ship on shores of Monkey Island and encounter Guybrush Threepwood. Connor wants to become a legendary pirate with a good humor.
danielh83: It would be great to be able to meet Jesus
ivan64: Germany year 1800 being an Assassin struggling to find the truth his father didnt succed in his time while he has trouble with the government and templars and some of the family members
ivan64: Germany year 1800 being an Assassin struggling to find the truth his father didnt succed in his time while he has trouble with the government and templars and some of the family members
ivan64: Germany year 1800 being an Assassin struggling to find the truth his father didnt succed in his time while he has trouble with the government and templars and some of the family members
ivan64: Germany year 1800 being an Assassin struggling to find the truth his father didnt succed in his time while he has trouble with the government and templars and some of the family members
ivan64: Germany year 1800 being an Assassin struggling to find the truth his father didnt succed in his time while he has trouble with the government and templars and some of the family members
Sixtysicks: READ MINE
ivan64: MINE!!
ivan64: Germany year 1800 being an Assassin struggling to find the truth his father didnt succed in his time while he has trouble with the government and templars and some of the family members
ivan64: Germany year 1800 being an Assassin struggling to find the truth his father didnt succed in his time while he has trouble with the government and templars and some of the family members
ivan64: Germany year 1800 being an Assassin struggling to find the truth his father didnt succed in his time while he has trouble with the government and templars and some of the family members
AlexanderWG: try putting it in there - that's what she said
williamcool: stop spam
Tonatiuh: AC: Tron - set in the Tron universe, as the main protagonist gets caught in an arcade machine by accident. Bummer!
Shikyo: would you guys just stop spamming?!
Håkon Berg: stop spam
xamxam99: Can you spell "spam texts"?
AlexanderWG: can someone ban the spammer please
ivan64: no ban
xnorwaydudenx: WOW xboxfan!
AlexanderWG: yes ban
ivan64: no ban
lokomobilo: yes ban
KayWin: congrats xboxfan
ivan64: no ban
roddan1: congtz to the win
Lyngbak1122: magnus
cjsky22: who were the 3 winners?
MonsterGames063: hvad
Adoo: Hi GR
AlexanderWG: no dont read it
AlexanderWG: dont give him the satisfaction
williamcool: learn your lesson and dont spam
Nossensu: can the canon shoot poisen darts??
Tjalde: Assassin under world war 1/2, you attempt to kill Hitler under world war 1 but fail and got caught and get throw in prison but you escape couple years later and under world war 2, you get some vendetta and kill the people that got promoted and closer to hitler, you travel around in Europe and helping different kinds of resistance people like, you are the man that did they won d-day and you are helping hvidstens gruppen in denmark and Max manus in Norway…. And you main reasons is to kill your prison holders that are promoted to be Hitler`s closer man… They are going to take things from Hitman like, change close to a uniform and taking some stealth elements splinter cell and take them all and make a fresh new assassin game
ivan64: im sad
lissner1234: How do we get the watch?? :-)
lokomobilo: you should be
nico1021: a old guy have swing assasin blades and small knifes so you can kill fast and its in new york
Sixtysicks: Did he forget about reading mine? or did he read it. I was lagging
Mameluck: I still want to see Assassin's Creed: Monkey Island. D:
Adoo: too much test bro
sejefyr: Magnus are you ever gonna Platinum all AC games? :)
MonsterGames063: Congrats Xboxfan
Adoo: text*
xboxfan: Thx
xamxam99: Guys, how do I edit my gamereactor account? O_o
MonsterGames063: 4 minutes guys!
Nossensu: can the new canon shoot poisen darts?
angrymonkeyllama: i love the bare knuckles i think it means that the combat is going to be much more brutal and close and personal
Adoo: No more coop please....
Weirdo393: hahahahaha
MonsterGames063: From the concept art it looks really dark
Weirdo393: so funny
HundredthCloth4: Dank meme
lokomobilo: nossensu WE DON'T KNOW YET stop asking
Nossensu: it have to be a coop
williamcool: I think the main story should be able to be played coop
AlexanderWG: why won't they acknowledge the AC: Rising sun concept art? :( it shows how damn beautiful and awesome a Japanese setting could and probably would be!
Weirdo393: Assassin's Creed: Galaxy! Year 5000 - turns out templars are aliens and the Piece of Eden is an alien artifact. also the Illuminati are aliens!
Weirdo393: Assassin's Creed: Galaxy! Year 5000 - turns out templars are aliens and the Piece of Eden is an alien artifact. also the Illuminati are aliens!
Weirdo393: Assassin's Creed: Galaxy! Year 5000 - turns out templars are aliens and the Piece of Eden is an alien artifact. also the Illuminati are aliens!
Weirdo393: Assassin's Creed: Galaxy! Year 5000 - turns out templars are aliens and the Piece of Eden is an alien artifact. also the Illuminati are aliens!
Adoo: no just single player... coop didn't work before.
Shikyo: Stop spamming!
vetle_wii-gutt: wow spam much
williamcool: please wierdo
MonsterGames063: again
KayWin: the contest is over
Xerxes2100: 2 min!
lokomobilo: i really have to pee but i can't go now.. fml
MonsterGames063: wooo
Tonatiuh: The most exciting part about AC is clearly the historical aspect to it
xamxam99: Guys, how do I edit my gamereactor account info? O_o
Weirdo393: but it's so good
Nossensu: is the contest over?
williamcool: How big difference would it be if you are able to play 2 people?
lissner1234: How do we get the watch? i lagged out
Nossensu: can the canon shoot poisen darts
Lucci1: we don't know yes
Lucci1: yet
lokomobilo: OMG STOOOP
Nossensu: thx
cjsky22: who were the 3 winners?
williamcool: Both co op and single
Adoo: 1 min...
Nossensu: i love coop
KayWin: 10 sec
Anders Riecke: The youtube mirror link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YwZjArFJWY
Weirdo393: no it cannot
Weirdo393: canon
Nossensu: ok
Weirdo393: cannot* lol
Lucci1: its time :D
AlexanderWG: NOW
Adoo: more focus on single player mode...
nico1021: omg it starts know
roddan1: its started
Nossensu: omg
angrymonkeyllama: the cane has a sword definitely and that looks like a wrist pistol
williamcool: I mean single player is the same as 2 player
Mameluck: Sound would be nice D:
xamxam99: xD
Adoo: no sound
solidPINK: i have no sound
AlexanderWG: i'm having a heart attack
Jellyapp: the sound D:
solidPINK: theeeeeeeeeeere you go
xamxam99: phew...
Adoo: sound is ok.
Nossensu: OMG
Mameluck: WOW! These new graphics are awesome!
Adoo: all ingame!!
xboxfan: Lag :/
Mameluck: Altough I don't know if Ubisoft offices is an interesting settings.
Tonatiuh: AC: Developer´s World
xamxam99: got it right, then
Mameluck: "Surprise!"
Adoo: The order.....
AlexanderWG: do you hear that music? this is gonna be gooooooooooooooooooooood
AlexanderWG: i'm having goosebums
Indiankobran: Hi Im back!
solidPINK: you'll play as Sherlock Holmes. LOL
Tonatiuh: It´s funny how its called the industrial revolution - it took around 70 years :V
williamcool: revolution!
Mameluck: Nice looking knife you got there
Adoo: Its like Im in school again...
Tonatiuh: "few years" funny
Tonatiuh: :D
williamcool: thats right
KayWin: I'm getting two different videos weird
AlexanderWG: theres the sister :D
nico1021: hope there comes gameplay
AlexanderWG: damn shes hot
williamcool: This is a good. Now I got some help for my history project in school lol
AlexanderWG: i'm so getting that trenchcoat
xboxfan: Gameplay plz
Adoo: all the rumours were true..
nico1021: yes gameplay
AlexanderWG: hoyl crap
williamcool: damn
AlexanderWG: *launcher
xamxam99: Guys.. this is the first guy who has been RAISED knowing about the brotherhood, since Altair.
KayWin: cool
Adoo: Cool
xboxfan: I hope the gameplay is like that
lokomobilo: when a punch in the face just isn't enough :D lmao
AlexanderWG: i know thats so cool
williamcool: Awesome
Infectedblade: Assassins Creed Batman!!
Adoo: heheeh so true..
williamcool: qlose combat :D
AlexanderWG: Gameplay!
Tonatiuh: AC: Zorro
Lauritzen94: Looks pretty cool,
Indiankobran: That would be a game I would buy.
AlexanderWG: if that's the guy from the indian Chronicles i'll lose my shit
Adoo: driving?
williamcool: driving horses
AlexanderWG: Assassin's Creed: Tophat Horseriding
Mameluck: Can't load the GRTV player anymore D:
nico1021: it lokks cool
williamcool: gameplay!
fyrepony: asassin's creed: final form, you become a mysterious gentleman with fedora fielding your sword to punish those who do wrong for your brotherhood setting in modern city like newyork
xboxfan: Yaaas
Lauritzen94: Didnt know they were this far into developtment
nico1021: what ride on this thing hell yeah
williamcool: Adoo
williamcool: there is your answer
Adoo: Love the top hat
solidPINK: Beautyfull graphics
Tonatiuh: GTA6: Horse
KayWin: cool
Adoo: gta + batman = new assassins creed
williamcool: ooh
Mameluck: There we go. The new soundtrack sounds nice.
Infectedblade: I love the story Idea!! it has so much potential! But it still lacks one little tiny (fucking huge detail!) MotherBucking!!! DESMOND!!
HundredthCloth4: God damn lag
Jellyapp: the zip line reminds me of the hookblade in ac revelations! :D love it
Anders Riecke: The youtube mirror link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YwZjArFJWY
solidPINK: That lag is real.... damn
AlexanderWG: just go on the ubisoft youtube channel - totally lagg free
KayWin: haha cool
Anders Riecke: Try using the youtube mirror if you stream is lagging
fyrepony: youtube is not working
Anders Riecke: The youtube mirror link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YwZjArFJWY
AlexanderWG: halluciygenic darts?! holy shit!
Adoo: Im surprised they didn't wait for E3 to show gameplay.
KayWin: sweet
Infectedblade: wow such environment takedown..
Anders Riecke: Fyrepony the Youtube link works fine here, can you try a different browser, and mail your problems to
[email protected] afterwards for our techs to troubleshoot
williamcool: lol no one didnt giva f'ck about the environment takedown
SirGalahad: omg
Infectedblade: haha true!!
SirGalahad: Its just unity
SirGalahad: damn
SirGalahad: nothing new..
AlexanderWG: you must be blind
Lauritzen94: Its GTA !
SirGalahad: can't they just make a ac in japan
ivan64: the running system is same as the running system in AC:U
SirGalahad: yes
williamcool: Havent played unity so this will be nice
Infectedblade: i know its Pre-alpha and all..but this looks sooo boring so far....
SirGalahad: unity was a 5/10 for me
SirGalahad: so i won´t buy thi
SirGalahad: s
SirGalahad: unity was bad
SirGalahad: not awful but not very good neither
williamcool: Yeah
Manken: i like jacob but the gameplay looks a bit bland
ivan64: i bought unity and im disappointed
Infectedblade: hahaha GTA V!! Get the hell outta my ride! xD
SirGalahad: me too
williamcool: This has potential
SirGalahad: Unity had too
SirGalahad: but it sucked
KayWin: I think this looks fun
Benke: it's a different developer so keep an open mind ;)
Adoo: Driving looks like it could be frustrating....
SirGalahad: Yes yes
xamxam99: the guy talking worked on ac3
ivan64: ubi pleas dont fuck it up like unity
Infectedblade: oh please shut up UBI about new improved combat system im gonna be sick!!
williamcool: the girls can handle very much lol
Manken: driving looks like its from ac 2
SirGalahad: but it will probably come the same time as Phantom Pain and Xenoblade Chronicles X, so i won't buy it anyways
AlexanderWG: cinematic trailer time!!!
ivan64: think the driving system was from revelations
ivan64: the 1st mission
SirGalahad: oh god
Benke: Phantom Pain should arrive earlier than this... I assume it's the usual late October early November slot
SirGalahad: Is phantom pain coming in september?
Benke: yeah
SirGalahad: Aha
Adoo: yes 1.sep
SirGalahad: aha
SirGalahad: :)
SirGalahad: Cool
ivan64: ahah
Manken: well ther were driving missions in ac 2 aswell
Adoo: also med max
nico1021: my internet sucks
Adoo: Mad Max
SirGalahad: The Witcher 3 next week
SirGalahad: damn
Adoo: yes
Indiankobran: Arkham Knight next month.
ivan64: can wait to get ma hand on that shit
Infectedblade: Respectful my ass!
SirGalahad: Zelda next year
SirGalahad: :(
ivan64: cod november
Adoo: The Witcher 3 has a 92 on Metacritic. Must play confirmed!
SirGalahad: Uncharted next year
SirGalahad: fuck cod
SirGalahad: haha
lokomobilo: shit i have to boy xboxone now
ivan64: ikr
lokomobilo: buy**
ivan64: i dont think my pc can run ac syndicate
ivan64: time to upgrade
SirGalahad: fuckings ugly box art
williamcool: The trailers are always nice :)
primex: yeah :)
SirGalahad: Lol
ivan64: ugn
ivan64: ign
Lauritzen94: Looks nice, lets see if they can live up to this
SirGalahad: he pronounced his name wrong
lokomobilo: countdown to 23rd october starts now!
Adoo: Yes ugly boxart!!
williamcool: But the boxart is ugly ...
nico1021: i think is look great
SirGalahad: Fucking norwegian dude
Indiankobran: Who is the new skype guy?
SirGalahad: norwegian dude
SirGalahad: from gamereactor
lokomobilo: wha tskype guy
sejefyr: Syndicate look like what I want
Adoo: no coop??
SirGalahad: No dude
Infectedblade: ....fuck this shit..going back to the old AC's can't take this money hagging shit no more!!
SirGalahad: Ubisoft need to make ac in Japan
SirGalahad: Samurais and ninjas
ivan64: we have in china if u are down
ivan64: :D
HundredthCloth4: Still no The Division
SirGalahad: no
nico1021: yeah that will be cool
SirGalahad: its a plattformer isn't it?
AlexanderWG: china is not japan -.-'
SirGalahad: china didn't have samurais
LT-Moc-T: Awesome reveal!
ivan64: i know history
lissner1234: I think it looks more like GTA and less like AC
CardWithaK: Is it true that Evie is playable as well in singleplayer?
HundredthCloth4: China is basicly the same as Japan
SirGalahad: No
AlexanderWG: LMAO no
Nickymahler15: Where is the commentator in blue from?
ivan64: its different
lokomobilo: thats racist
SirGalahad: China didnt have samurais
Indiankobran: China has alot of chinese people though.
ivan64: lolo
SirGalahad: That's true
Indiankobran: Japan don't.
HundredthCloth4: True
SirGalahad: Zelda will be game of the decade
lokomobilo: fellow nerds can you tell me what that song was?
Anders Riecke: It's Magnus, He's the danish editor-in-chief
HundredthCloth4: No, SuperHentaiLittlePony will be GOTY
lokomobilo: in the trailer
Tjalde: so sad that zelda is first next year
ivan64: game of the decade is Goat Simulator
SirGalahad: Yes
Indiankobran: Yeah, we know that but who is the guy in skype?
ivan64: that shit is dope
HundredthCloth4: It is
SirGalahad: a norwegian dude
myllylyly: So did it tell release date? i kinda missed the end?
SirGalahad: a reporter
lissner1234: I can't see tje video
lokomobilo: 23rd of october
Lauritzen94: Click the creen
lissner1234: fall 2015
SirGalahad: fucking ac shit
sejefyr: stream crashed
Lauritzen94: Its working again
lokomobilo: im lagging now too
SirGalahad: noobs
SirGalahad: get rekt
AlexanderWG: everything jsut died
SirGalahad: get rekt
SirGalahad: m8
AlexanderWG: can someone ban that galahad douche?
SirGalahad: ?
lokomobilo: y so mad
SirGalahad: lele
lissner1234: "Could not load plugins: File not found" -.-
SirGalahad: get rekt man
Lauritzen94: I just clicked it, and it reloaded
lokomobilo: has someone found out what the song played in the trailer is?
Indiankobran: Yeah, that happens sometimes.
williamcool: yeaaah'
Indiankobran: No multiplayer what so ever?
Lauritzen94: Thats no problem for me
ivan64: multiplayer in ac is not cool
lissner1234: NO MULTIPLAYER???
SirGalahad: it sucks anyways
williamcool: Its good so they can spend tome for something else
SirGalahad: worst shit ever
Adoo: Im fine with that.
SirGalahad: blackflags sucked
lissner1234: i think it worked really good unity
Nossensu: what no multiplayer :(:(
Lauritzen94: The idea was cool, I never really got to try it out
ivan64: the mp in ac is 5 guys chasing each other
williamcool: Now we want good coop
ivan64: no fun
Indiankobran: I never thought they would do that in an AC game again.
lokomobilo: i miss brotherhoods mutiplayer
SirGalahad: brotherhood sucked
lokomobilo: u suck
ivan64: galahad says everyting sucks
ivan64: nice
SirGalahad: nah bre
KayWin: why are you here galahad? If you don't like the games?
lokomobilo: brotherhood ruled
SirGalahad: I like games
Indiankobran: The multiplayer mode in Brotherhood was really fun to play when it worked.
lissner1234: what about customization??
sejefyr: indeed Indian
SirGalahad: Assassin's creed Black Flag is amazing
SirGalahad: unity.. is (N)
Adoo: what about ships?
Lauritzen94: Oh two years
ivan64: there is watch dogs 2 ?
lokomobilo: Brotherhood is the best ac so far, imo. didnät like that much black flag
SirGalahad: watch dogs sucks
CardWithaK: Unity had been worked on for multiple years as far as I know
ivan64: u suck
assassinsislife: and ac the movie
ivan64: 4-5 years for unity
SirGalahad: Lol
ivan64: working
Nossensu: will it come a watch dogs 2
Nossensu: ??
Indiankobran: What you believe? Are you sure you don't have some inside information that you can't share about Watch Dogs 2?
Adoo: yes
SirGalahad: Gta v was in development for 5 years also wasn't it?
Lauritzen94: I pretty sure thats not confirmed
Mameluck: Railroad battles! :)
Lauritzen94: Im*
ivan64: 2 trainzz
SirGalahad: col
SirGalahad: cool
CardWithaK: Is London the only place Syndicate will take place in?
xnorwaydudenx: .7
angrymonkeyllama: i love how brutal the combat is its much more brutal and personal i love it
ivan64: stream glitched
KayWin: yeah, the combat looks good
xnorwaydudenx: jupp
SirGalahad: why didn't they base it of king arthur and shit?
Manken: calm down SirGalahad
luttoperpetuo: hi all
lokomobilo: i lost the stream
KayWin: test
Xerxes2100: me2
AlexanderWG: yup its gone from me 2
Anders Riecke: The youtube mirror link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YwZjArFJWY
lokomobilo: wth
HundredthCloth4: What about modern day?
KayWin: test
KayWin: the small chat crapped out on me
HundredthCloth4: Around 1900 came cars
Adoo: Its too early for cars.
HundredthCloth4: 1912 came the first ford I belive?
SirGalahad: next ac will probably be ww1 or 2
SirGalahad: that will suck
Adoo: WW1 please
SirGalahad: why dont they just call it cod ac or something
maaagy: Am i the only one who totally bonded, and absolutly loved Connor?
ivan64: no
ivan64: i love conno
ivan64: r
Mameluck: I hope the characters will have French accents since French spoke with British accents.
ivan64: he is da best
SirGalahad: he was ok, a little boring
Indiankobran: I liked Connor as well.
Benke: only the devs have French accents in AC and modern day ;)
luttoperpetuo: i wonder if there will be an ac for old gen too
ivan64: he is one of my favourite
SirGalahad: probably not luttoperpetuo
Adoo: Im not impressed with the graphics...
AlexanderWG: Connor had the personality of a wet potato
SirGalahad: lol
AlexanderWG: Jacob has the possibility to be a really deep character tho
ivan64: this is not syndacite its unity 2
SirGalahad: yes I can
KayWin: jjjj
SirGalahad: ivan
ivan64: yes ?
SirGalahad: its unity 2
ivan64: its all the same
SirGalahad: almost
ivan64: like rogue and bf
KayWin: i miss the whistle thing to lure guards
Indiankobran: Batman!
Adoo: This seems like a step back... the streets are empty...
luttoperpetuo: Yea my first thought was: this looks like a mix of Gta and Batman
Adoo: need more people.
ivan64: the parkour is little impossible
KayWin: Yay!
KayWin: :)
ivan64: makes impossible jumps and free run
Nossensu: then it is a poisen darts
Nossensu: it is nice
AlexanderWG: holy shit
AlexanderWG: thats a huge map
Indiankobran: So how will the trophies in this game be and will it have an easy or hard platinum trophy?
Mameluck: Naaaah.. Can't be true.
AlexanderWG: 7 ROMES?! omg
CardWithaK: There was the cheery bomb that did the same thing as the whistle.
KayWin: wow
Xerxes2100: what did he say?
KayWin: that's huge
Xerxes2100: it lagged;(
Xerxes2100: how huge?:(
Nossensu: it is huge
KayWin: each burrough is the size of rome from brotherhood
AlexanderWG: the entire size of the map is like Rome in BH times 7
luttoperpetuo: 7 times rome in ac brotherhood
SirThomas: Whistling is back, yay!
Xerxes2100: Omg that´s enormous!
KayWin: Very glad the whistle is back
Nossensu: me to
AlexanderWG: is it just me, or is the video quality on the youtube mirror not that great?
Xerxes2100: what is up to the white blod..?
ivan64: its youtube
Adoo: Do you have your own gang??? Looks like it....
SirThomas: 7 x Rome what the hell
Mameluck: Oh great. "Pre-Order now to get DLC"
Nossensu: what is the white bold?
Adoo: DLC already....
Nossensu: nice
luttoperpetuo: incoming season pass lol
SirThomas: Always DLC's
ivan64: dlc will go on sale earlier then the actual game
Xerxes2100: The blod in battles looks white/silverish..?o.O
Nossensu: i'm sad it is not multiplayer
Mameluck: Karl Marx is going to be a Templar. I guarantee it.
SirThomas: Hahaha yeah
SirThomas: Having an entire focus on singleplayer is what the series need right now
Nossensu: why is the blod white?
KayWin: looks red to me
danielh83: jack the ripper murders was in 88.
KayWin: but it's not quite finished yet i'm guessing
Xerxes2100: white for meo.O
Nossensu: yeah but some times the blod is white
maaagy: How do i redeem the AC: Rouge i won? :D
AlexanderWG: i hope Musterbrand will start selling that trench coat very soon
Lauritzen94: Im pretty sure they will send it
Mameluck: Oh yeah. They've got neat clothing
AlexanderWG: WTF Did you see that?! There actaully is a cane sword!!
ivan64: maaagy i think u need to stay till the end of the stream to give information on ur Uplay acc
AlexanderWG: they missed that in the trailer lol
HundredthCloth4: Bump
Mameluck: maagy, they'll probably contact you through private messaging
Indiankobran: How about the trophies, Magnus? Is this a game you will platinum?
Nossensu: i like the new wepons
KayWin: shix shooter
xboxfan: I like the bird cane
AlexanderWG: Pleeeaaaase acknowledge the cane sword. that's gorgeous!
angrymonkeyllama: i got a feeling of sherlock holmes from the world also atleast for me i am unaware of anything in the slums only jack the ripper and sherlock
Lauritzen94: Gonna be fun to see how much the gun is gonna be put to use
AlexanderWG: YES!!! its in one of the pictures!
Sixtysicks: The text you were about to read before but didnt, Im writing again. Alexander the Great had a very close friend which of who he grew up with, imagine if this friend would become an assassin and he and Alexander would become in possesion of an Apple of Eden. And that in some way Alexander when he bacame king after his king and father (templar) died betrayed his closest friend for the Apple of Eden and this would become an epic battle as former best friends. Comment this beardy guy!!
ivan64: really ubisoft ? grapple hook ?
CardWithaK: "When a punch to the face isn't enough" hahaha
AlexanderWG: REALLY?!?! :D
Nossensu: then it is a poisen darts
Tjalde: i saw it
Mameluck: Yes. Many functions.
Tjalde: roskilde festivzl
KayWin: congrats
Nossensu: nice
Mameluck: And grats of course.
AlexanderWG: lol the one thing i have ^^ nice tho, thank you!
maaagy: How do i redeem the AC: Rouge i won? :D
Indiankobran: It is an Assassins Creed: Black Flag - black flag!
ivan64: lol
ivan64: u can sleep in that
Tjalde: much more faster gameplay
Indiankobran: Magnus! Trophies!
luttoperpetuo: the fact that there is a gun with lsd inside it
KayWin: The cane sword, that was super cool. Even if we didn't get to see it in action I just kind of want one based on the image.
HundredthCloth4: My facorite part were the brawling and accents, beacuse of Sherlock Holmes ofc
Lauritzen94: Yes agreed Magnus, I thought the same
angrymonkeyllama: it would have to be the grappling line i could see myself just doing that to trovert the city and doing get over here with enemies
AlexanderWG: NO GUYS that could be the protagonist for Chronicles in India!
Lauritzen94: Maybe his a tme traveler
Daniel Vånsjö: Industrial part
KayWin: The cane sword, that was super cool. Even if we didn't get to see it in action I just kind of want one based on the image.
Nossensu: the grapling hook and the caen sword
Mameluck: I'm really interested in seeing more of the trains. I believe I saw trains crashing early in the video (before gameplay?) and thought it looked really cool. I'm hoping for some narrow action inside and on the trains.
KayWin: whoops didn't mean to doube send
Lucci1: I love what they done to the stealth, it is much mire in depht than the previous games. i hope you can use the envoirment alot to distract guard, also i like the touch that you use regular clothes when not in stealth mode
Tjalde: i will say much more faster gameplay and destruction like battlefield
KayWin: lsd gun lol
ivan64: The mini cannon grappling thingy used to travel a lot faster ... its like flying ... also i want to see some train chase/fight and big gang fights !!
xnorwaydudenx: The cane sword was amazing.. even we didnt to see in action but it was a amazning,.. th best part was the parkor and see how he dose it,, jumping,climping.. i looking forward to see more of it
angrymonkeyllama: it would have to be the grappling line i could see myself just doing that to trovert the city and doing get over here with enemies
Indiankobran: Im really exighted about the trains and railroad! I cant wait to ride around on a big train and mabye fighting off henchmen on the roof and ultimatly of course crash it into another train to create a huge explosion!
cjsky22: The Vehichles and the revolver and the aera
Lucci1: I love what they done to the stealth, it is much mire in depht than the previous games. i hope you can use the envoirment alot to distract guard, also i like the touch that you use regular clothes when not in stealth mode
xboxfan: His hat
Sixtysicks: To me the outsticking guy looks very much that he is from the same sort of creed that the one altair trained. Would this be very very interesting?, atleast I would think so.
Lauritzen94: Theres probably gonna drop a mod with french accent
angrymonkeyllama: it would have to be the grappling line i could see myself just doing that to trovert the city and doing get over here with enemies
KayWin: The fightig looked better, faster and more brutal. I got kind of sick of hitting the same guys ten times in the head before he'd finally go down, That doesn't look like an issue here
Nossensu: the stealth clothing and the cane sword and the grapling hook
AlexanderWG: I'm excited about Jacobs sister (i forget the name), how she will effect the story and Jacobs choices and of course...will she be a playable charachter? and what will that do to the actual gameplay to finally play as a woman, will she use her femininity the same way Aveline did?
Mameluck: I must get my hands on a French dub copy. :O
Chibiniz: i like that the other assassin puts his hand over the cup when the little girl is there
Nossensu: i like the regular clothing and the cane sword and the grapling hook
Xerxes2100: IKR!
Mameluck: They're werewolves! This must be a crossover between AC and The Order.
Xerxes2100: Told you!;D
KayWin: I'm really looking forward to finally getting to play a female assassin. Evie looks cool. I'm really looking forward to get to play her.
Lauritzen94: Yeah that must be because of the early stages of the game
KayWin: *as her
Lucci1: I love what they done to the stealth, it is much mire in depht than the previous games. i hope you can use the envoirment alot to distract guard, also i like the touch that you use regular clothes when not in stealth mode
Tjalde: destrution more
ivan64: more gang fights and train chase
xnorwaydudenx: his dress. and the weapons.. i wish we could to see more of this
Indiankobran: I really like how Jacob is using the hood only when he is in stealth mode. Those did'nt really fit in in the other games.
The Mad Hatter1: I think my favorite part was just before the big brawl and when you shot and so all you're folks begin the attack it was hillarous.
HundredthCloth4: The brown guy just reminded my of Apu fron the Simpsons
HundredthCloth4: *me
Lauritzen94: Sebastian should have the watch
Sixtysicks: !!!The text you were about to read before but didnt, Im writing again. Alexander the Great had a very close friend which of who he grew up with, imagine if this friend would become an assassin and he and Alexander would become in possesion of an Apple of Eden. And that in some way Alexander when he bacame king after his king and father (templar) died betrayed his closest friend for the Apple of Eden and this would become an epic battle as former best friends. Comment this beardy guy!!
SirThomas: White
Lucci1: haha damn, i won't get the watch then :D
KayWin: well, then i don't get the watch :p Haha
Indiankobran: Give the watch to whoever wanting to know about the trophies!
lokomobilo: chat mvp XD
ivan64: me
Lauritzen94: Haha
Mameluck: Most Valuable Poster
AlexanderWG: guys if i can maybge switch price, cause i already have the flag... x) or at least give me the chance to swap with another winner :3
angrymonkeyllama: your youtube stream is better than the website sorry
Nossensu: how won the clothes?
Lucci1: they havn't decided
Xerxes2100: Hope everyone has had a nice reveal! Have a nice eve guys!:)
Mameluck: ^ They'll decide after the stream
cjsky22: who won the games?
Xerxes2100: Thank you GR commentators - keep up the good work!:)
lokomobilo: sheldon cooper would play
Mameluck: *insert dancing banana emoji*
Daniel Vånsjö: :(
KayWin: Congrats! :)
lokomobilo: congrats!!
Lucci1: gratz to all the winners
Lauritzen94: Thx for the stream guys, you did great!
Indiankobran: See you later people!
Lauritzen94: #WeGR
Xerxes2100: Bye guys!:)
Lucci1: it was a great reveal and a great stream
AlexanderWG: Guys whoever wins the watch, if you're interested in swaping for my flag send me a message x)
Daniel Vånsjö: So in the en i dident have to watch the rest that sucked
Nossensu: is it gonna be train battles
Nossensu: ?
ivan64: give pc first
AlexanderWG: And thanks for the stream!
ivan64: we want train chases
luttoperpetuo: good lucky to anyone for the watch!
Lucci1: thats for the strean
Mameluck: Thanks and bye all! o/
ivan64: and big gang fights
Lucci1: thanks
Lucci1: bye
The Mad Hatter1: thanks for the stream
KayWin: bye
lokomobilo: k thanx bye
Lasse Brøndal: See ya ;)
Xerxes2100: Hopefullt Nossensu:)
Lauritzen94: See yall
Lucci1: cya
Xerxes2100: cya!:)
xamxam99: le nice. bye
Nossensu: :)
CardWithaK: Hope they put more focus on modern day this time.
angrymonkeyllama: bye guys have a great assassins creed syndicate evening
Nossensu: i am gonna pre-order it
xnorwaydudenx: i just did nossen
Nossensu: where
xnorwaydudenx: uplay store
xnorwaydudenx: it cost a lot
Nossensu: witch console?
xnorwaydudenx: ps4
Nossensu: yeah i understod that now
xnorwaydudenx: it was 78,86$
Nossensu: xnorwayduden?
maaagy: h
xnorwaydudenx: hmm?
Nossensu: where are you from?
xnorwaydudenx: norway
Nossensu: what is your ps4 name
Nossensu: ?
xnorwaydudenx: xnorwaydudenx
xnorwaydudenx: why u askin?
maaagy: I hope they change the modern day concept. But im quite sure they won't. In the first trailer we saw with Jacob slicing n' dicing, the time sometimes stopped and we were introduced to his weapons, gear and himself. In the uppercorner of those small infoboxes that pops up, it says "Helix 4.0", which is a newer edition of the Animus, which were also used in Unity, and Black Flag
Nossensu: do you want to play sometime?
xnorwaydudenx: hell yea mate.. your name?
Nossensu: Nossenus
xnorwaydudenx: ok i will add u now
Nossensu: i have send a recuest
Nossensu: request
xnorwaydudenx: ok i am not on ps4 now so i have to find the site mate
Nossensu: ok
Nossensu: what games do you have?
xnorwaydudenx: not much.. i had my ps4 not long.. 4 mouths
xnorwaydudenx: but i have AC unity
xnorwaydudenx: Black flag
xnorwaydudenx: Gta v The crew
xnorwaydudenx: Witcher 3
xnorwaydudenx: battlefield hardline
Nossensu: ok i have the ac unity and the crew
Nossensu: and more
xnorwaydudenx: watch dogs
Nossensu: when can you play?
xnorwaydudenx: i am kinda bissy this week.. i can on Sunday
Nossensu: ok but can you accept?
Nossensu: the request
xnorwaydudenx: and soon i can so..
Nossensu: ok
Nossensu: how old are you or is that to much for asking
xnorwaydudenx: 16
Nossensu: ok i'm 14
xnorwaydudenx: k