thosol01: hello Solfinn: Hey guys. You having buffer issues again? Shikyo: yes Solfinn: Sorry about that. Hopefully we'll get it fixed very soon sejefyr: yeah buffering a lot Shikyo: so much sejefyr: yes every 5 sec Shikyo: can't load at all now Solfinn: The stream should work all right on twitch so you might head there. And just use this chat ;) Hope we get this problem soon Solfinn: Fixed soon* sejefyr: its fine now sejefyr: almost no sound from clip Mike Holmes: You can see the full interview here - Mike Holmes: sejefyr: I have voted for Grow Home, looks like the most interesting sejefyr: buffering again sejefyr: both on GR site and twitch sejefyr: 1st: Grow Home, 2nd: Zombie Vikings, 3rd: Armello sejefyr: GJALLARHORN :D sejefyr: he have been selling it one time before in the beginning sejefyr: is there any news on the prize I won 2 weeks ago and about the dlc code for CoD I won over a month ago? Solfinn: I will look into that sejefyr :) sejefyr: thanks Solfinn sejefyr: you can check the livestream with Magnus playing CoD, and you need to quess how many times he died, and the stream with Dori playing Evolve robinron: Is the stream over? robinron: *Finished Shikyo: playing on xbox??? Shikyo: thought it was ps4 :/ sejefyr: Didnt Dori said it was on ps4? sejefyr: Gonna play with you GR next friday, when it is Destiny ;) sejefyr: Total deaths the whole stream is gonne be 57 sejefyr: you should have a deathboard on the wall in the back, when you are streaming CoD ;) Nick Lynn: Philip i want my rematch in evolve soon ! Nick Lynn: im game on ps4 :D Nick Lynn: 50 Nick Lynn: deaths Nick Lynn: i believe in you philip !! Nick Lynn: i dont want the code i just wonna guess :D Nick Lynn: I allready have it on my xbox one and ps4 :D sejefyr: I remember this map in CoD Modern Warfare 2 roddan1: Hey all! sejefyr: you can get on the roof, and be an awesome sniper sejefyr: Hey roddan roddan1: Hey sejefyr! All good with you? Indiankobran: Hi Philip! roddan1: Have i missed the friday news? sejefyr: no games like me now xD how about you? sejefyr: Hey Indian Indiankobran: Your death count is higher then it was in the Bloodborne stream. Indiankobran: Hi sejefyr! Indiankobran: Im guessing the death count will stop at 77. roddan1: Philip - are you in to Destiny like Nick :)? sejefyr: I will raise mine to 65 roddan1: thx for the info. sejefyr: back to my first guess 57 ;) roddan1: Philip -When will next stream be send, and what game will be played? Solfinn: Okay, guessing closed ;) roddan1: Are playing with on PS4 Philip? sejefyr: close on both chats :) roddan1: Have a good weekend, and i see you on Monday:) sejefyr: you too roddan :) roddan1: take care sejefyr Solfinn: Thanks for watching guys! Hopefullu we'll get the buffer issues fixed before our next stream sejefyr: you can fix it Solfinn :) sejefyr: cya all